
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

30 Day Cosplay/Costuming Meme - Day 12

I actually posted this on LJ ages ago and am only now getting to reposting here! I'm super  behind on everything! :-)

12. Your cosplay idol.

Oh, so many costuming idols. Holly/surlygirlie is a big one - she doesn't really have a website for her personal costumes anymore, but she was one of the first, if not the first to embroider her own Bespin costume. She and her group did amazing big costumes for a lot of DragonCon masquerades - Where the Wild Things Are, Muppets, Nightmare Before Christmas... all amazing!

Pics of all the group costumes here:

There are actually so many of you - I almost feel like I don't really want to name names for fear of leaving anyone out. 

But I can't help calling out out two people who have always inspired me - Jen Thompson, who I was a fan of long before we were friends (and I'm so glad we are friends!) and who not only sews beautiful things but takes the most artful photos of herself in them:

And  Merja, who I think is amazing in every way - she's so talented, so nice, and also happens to look fantastic in everything she sews.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Support for one of our own....

A dear friend of mine (and someone who has given a lot to the costume community) suddenly lost her husband a week or so ago. We've all been shocked and just totally crushed for her loss. I know lots of you all who know Jen (or of Jen) have wanted to do something to help. Jen and her husband have a small son and so to that end, they've set up a college fund for him. For those of you who wanted it, the information on E's college fund is here:

Jen's costume work is gorgeous - check out her beautiful photos and her tutorials here: She's also a truly lovely person and my deepest condolences go out to her.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

30 Day Cosplay/Costuming Meme - Day 11

I'm super behind on this because of being busy, but here's Day 11!

11. Something cosplay-related that you will never do (eg. crossplay, cosplay from a certain series)

I'm not really into crossplay - but I guess I can't say I'd never do it since my friends and I did the Sgt Pepper Beatles that one time...which was hilarious and scary. Fav thing overheard at DragonCon was "one of them is definitely a woman." (And of course all four of us were...) And from a certain series? Hmm - is there anything I dislike enough to swear I'd never do it? Probably not? I am admittedly not into anime so it's unlikely I'd ever do something from it... But I guess never say never!