
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Bustle Tea (November)

In November was Stephanie’s annual Pumpkin tea. This year instead of Regency, she went with Bustle era. I do not have a bustle, but I lucked out on Facebook and scored a bustle gown and an 1880s tea gown (bustle era!) that fit me perfectly. I just had to hem them a bit. This gown is specifically from the Truly Victorian pattern for an 1882 tea gown with Watteau back. I wore my cameo tiara, a necklace by Dames a la Mode that I bought to match the antique amethyst earrings I’m wearing, a big set of fake bangs (curly bangs were big, but these are a little extra), and some American Duchess heels that I love, but are just not meant for my foot shape. I changed into my Po-Zu boots after the group pic so I could actually walk. Oh, and my antique cameo bracelet.

Also the whole group used the Tintype app A LOT and it was really fun. Here are pictures!



Photo by Kat and Judy:


Gloria/In the Long Run Designs took some photos for me too!


More after the cut: