
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who wants pretty shoes?

I know I do!

American Duchess has been working on getting silk 18th century repro shoes made.  Our group order has to be 100 pairs though. So if you're interested, now is the time! The pre-sale starts on Friday.

The shoes all come in dyeable white silk.

Here is her blog post that has all the relevant info:

SO pretty! I definitely want one! (Or maybe two!) The pre-order price is great AND she's going to have sizes from 6-12 including 1/2 sizes!

Spread the news around so everyone who is interested knows! (She said to feel free to use her images to spread the word!)


  1. I am so excited about these! I've been lusting after them for ages now, Friday can't come soon enough!

  2. @Bianca - I am too! It'll be so nice to not have to wear leather shoes! I just can't decide if I should get a pair dyed, and if so, what color! At least the white should more or less go with everything!

  3. I am so excited about this very affordable accessory!! Now, the Big Question: Do I order it in black or leave them white? I feel like they'll last longer as black (dirt won't show as readily), but I have those black faux suede ones already (1980's Sam & Libby), BUT these are satin...and not a mule style, so technically a totally different animal. Hrm...

  4. @Kat I don't know!! I guess I figure my leather shoes are all black, so though I know white gets dirty easier, I'll get white. I'm tempted to get a second pair to dye. :-) I'm really really excited though!

  5. I know how you feel! They're almost too pretty to dye! I think two pairs may just be in order.

  6. these are gorgeous... wondering if they'd be appropriate for one of the PotO Il Muto page boy or maid costumes. I've always wanted to make one of those. I can't seem to find reference of the shoes though. Guess I'll have watch it again! haha!

  7. Oooooh, if I get paid tomorrow I think I'll get in on that. Is there a deadline?

  8. @Vera There is, but I think you have a little while. You could comment on her blog and ask her probably!

  9. @Vera - Actually, she just posted - you have 3 weeks, til April 22nd, with a late May delivery date.

  10. Woohoo! Thanks :) I'm excited, I'm going to have them dyed yellow to go with both my 18th century gown and my Padme gown :D
