
Sunday, January 29, 2012

S&S vest done!

I finally got around to doing the covered buttons to match the little vest from the movie. They were super easy using the little kit that came with the buttons I got on etsy. Way easier than trying to do them without the little kit!  (You can buy them here in lots of sizes:

I added two buttons on the back too, just for fun and since I had extra.

I'm still not 100% happy with  vest, but that velvet was SO hard to work with! Oh well. (ETA: I did get a tip to line up the grain of the velvet with the neckline - so I will try that next time!)


  1. I love your vest. I don't work with velvet and just his morning emailed a seamstress/designer/friend who does beautiful costume work to have a velvet Spencer made for me--I want Elizabeth Elliott's mustard Spencer and top hat in 1995's Persiasian. I love it.

    I do love your vest.
