
Monday, September 10, 2012

18th Century curtain-along!

A bunch of places like Lowe's, Amazon, and Joanne's have fabric and/or curtains in a beautiful 18th-century-esque pattern. Jen Thompson is organizing a sewing curtain-along since several people are making 18th century outfits with this fabric!

Check out her blog entry here for more details and examples of clothing with this sort of Indienne print fabric:

I bought some of the creme color-way, though I really like the blue (but it's way more expensive).

Jen also has a bunch of pins of blogs and in progress pics on pinterest.

Here's the graphic from Jen's page - head over there for more!

P.S. Loren pointed out that a bunch of us have gowns and petticoats made from cotton embroidered Target curtains - clearly my curtain petticoat needs to be worn with whatever dress I make out of these Lowes curtains!

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