
Monday, February 4, 2013

Regency Card Party, part 1

I've been out almost all day yesterday (with the parents and at a Superbowl party) and am so behind. I see a whole bunch of people posted pics from the card party, but I will have to look at them later!

I wanted to put up the pics I took, but I'll probably have another post tomorrow with some pics from my Mom's camera that I didn't have time to look at yet.

Anyway, Jenny-Rose threw a lovely card party with period food and I had so much fun seeing everyone, taking Kat around the party on a laptop via Facetime, and meeting new people! (Hey Kristin and Jessica, I remembered your names!) (I'm terrible at remember names.) :-)

2013-02-03 19.06.48

2013-02-03 19.08.19

2013-02-03 19.09.38

2013-02-03 19.11.51

2013-02-03 19.13.28

Two tables played whist (like Hearts with partners) and one played Speculation:
2013-02-03 19.15.07

2013-02-03 19.16.07

Kat was convalescing and not able to join us in person, but she dressed up in a regency gown and tiara and joined us via Skype or Facetime! 2013-02-03 19.16.43

2013-02-03 19.17.31

More whist players:
2013-02-03 19.18.13

My mom in her new open robe:
2013-02-03 19.18.50

My whist partner, Jessica:
2013-02-03 19.20.55

Me and Kat - she "played" whist with us for a while and then we took her on a tour of Jenny-Rose's new sewing room. You can almost make out my little moon/arrow regency comb!
2013-02-03 19.22.03

2013-02-03 19.22.56

2013-02-03 19.24.04

2013-02-03 19.24.34

So, more pics to come when I go through the others!


  1. The party looks wonderful! The outfits are amazing! And I love how the modern technology fitted in with the old, with your friend playing whist via skype! I will have to have a historically themed party myself sometime! It's a shame all my friends live so far away!

    1. Thank you! It was really terrific that the technology worked so well! And it was a funny juxtaposition with the period stuff!

      Well, maybe you can throw a Skype part with your friends! :-)

  2. Oh, that looks great - so many beautiful dresses!! It seems you all had a wonderful evening!!!

  3. What a lovely event! I love that your friend Skyped in!

    1. It was really fun! And we're glad she was able to join us through the wonders of technology!
