
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Princess Caroline cream and pink sacque

I've always loved this portrait of Princesses Louisa and Caroline, two of George III's younger sisters.  And I've always thought it would be fun to make Caroline's cream and pink sacque.

I was able to find cream silk taffeta for a good price on ebay, I had pink silk taffeta which is possibly a little darker than the portrait, but was a decent match.  I got the double strand of pearls on ebay and added a ribbon.  I used lace/net that was in my stash for the sleeve flounces. Again, not a perfect match, but it was the best I had. And I liked the aged feel of the trims, some of which are vintage.

I have dyed American Duchess silk shoes that go with this gown perfectly, too, so I'm excited to wear them with the gown at Dress U!

A note on construction. Since this is my 3rd sacque I pretty much just made this one like I did the others.  Kendra's page  has been invaluable every time I've done one of these, especially for a refresher on how to do the side pleats and skirt panels.  It's a really detailed reference and if you haven't done a sacque, I recommend checking it out:

I again used my adaptation of Simplicity 3637 as a bodice base. And I referred to my first making-of sacque page as a reminder to myself too!


  1. LOVE this! You are so inspiring. I'm getting ready to make my first sacque. I'm scared to death, but yours gives me courage! It's so so so gorgeous! I love the ivory and pink combination.

    1. Thank you! They're really not that bad once you get over being intimidated by them. I once again referred to Kendra's page for a refresher on how to do the side pleats and skirt panels. This page is really detailed so it's a great reference:

      And I again used my adaptation of Simplicity 3637 as a bodice base.

      And I referred to my first making-of sacque page as a reminder to myself too!

      I'm sure yours will be gorgeous!

  2. Lovely, Maggie! but of course I like it cause it's pink...

    1. Thank you! I'm liking the color scheme myself!

  3. Just love it, must of taken along time!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    1. Thank you! It wasn't too bad - I was mostly just slow on it. :-)

  4. This is just gorgeous! One of these days I'll finally have time to make something like this! For now I'll just love what you've done. <3
