
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Maggie locket

Thanks so much to Karen, who pointed me to the ebay auction for this sweet little Victorian locket. I managed to win it and I'm really happy I did! One more piece of antique/vintage "Maggie" jewelry for the collection!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Throwback Friday?

It's not Thursday, but here are two pics from the costume weekend I went to last year in Dallas! I think they might be either Merja's or Jen's pics. Or both. :-)

The top is of our regency dinner, the bottom from the Georgian revival house we toured.  I don't believe I'd seen either picture before!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Time Traveled Tales 2

Time Traveled Tales 2 is out! I'm really excited about this. As you might remember back a ways, I posted about the Time Traveled Tales anthology, which included Star Wars authors like the now late Aaron Allston, as well as Mike Stackpole and Tim Zahn. And me! It did so well we put together a bonus anthology with the same authors. So if you are interested in a copy, you can order one here:

There are both print and e-book, and the indiegogo link is just being used as an easy way for pre-orders. There's no funding goal and the ebooks will go out right away and the print not long after that.

Please share if you know anyone who might be interested!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Riversdale House

Gloria organized a lovely outing and picnic to Riversdale House in Maryland, near College Park. It dates to between 1801-1807.

We picnicked and they gave us a tour and the weather was just gorgeous. Here are some pictures.



Gloria and Mike's photos:


Chelsea and her brand new fiance:

Part of our group hearing about the house. Which unfortunately has scaffolding all over it...

Our guide:

Gloria and Mike's photo:




Orange Sari gown

I bought this gorgeous tangerine colored sari from Julia Bennett and finally finished a drawstring dress out of it. It's my favorite style of regency dress (though to be fair, I've only made one dropfront), and with time at a premium, I just went with what I knew.  I think the embroidery is so pretty and somehow I lucked out and the front and back skirt embroidery lined up perfectly. I totally planned it that way. Yup. ;))

Excused my stays showing through the back. As you may or may not recall, I commissioned stays because I couldn't deal with cup gussets and I bought a pair that backlaced with a metal busk in front.  They actually did have such things in the late late 20s.  I won't claim these are totally period accurate for all regency, but they are comfy and easy to get into.

Now for the pictures!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


My friend Brian sent me this for a recent Throwback Thursday. It's not Thursday, but I wanted to post it.   This throwsback to Star Wars Celebration 3, some 9 years ago! Here's me in my Bespin Leia and my friend Ed in his X-wing pilot costume!