
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Orange Sari gown

I bought this gorgeous tangerine colored sari from Julia Bennett and finally finished a drawstring dress out of it. It's my favorite style of regency dress (though to be fair, I've only made one dropfront), and with time at a premium, I just went with what I knew.  I think the embroidery is so pretty and somehow I lucked out and the front and back skirt embroidery lined up perfectly. I totally planned it that way. Yup. ;))

Excused my stays showing through the back. As you may or may not recall, I commissioned stays because I couldn't deal with cup gussets and I bought a pair that backlaced with a metal busk in front.  They actually did have such things in the late late 20s.  I won't claim these are totally period accurate for all regency, but they are comfy and easy to get into.

Now for the pictures!


  1. The gown is so beautiful!!! (Drawstring is my fave, too!) What a glorious shade of orange Is there a place you recommend to get Saris from? They're so great to work with :D

    1. Thank you! I like drawstrings too! I generally get saris from ebay though this one I bought from a friend.

  2. I love that color! you always make the prettiest dresses.

  3. Very lovely. I think I remember when you bought the sari...:-)

    1. Thanks! I bought it via FB actually! But I probably posted about it on LJ!
