
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Harry Potter uniform at Smithsonian American History Museum

Anyone in the DC area? The Smithsonian Museum of American History (which also houses pop culture stuff) has one of Dan Radcliffe's Gryffindor uniforms on display in the glass cases right in the lobby! It's a bit hard to photograph behind the glass, but here are a few pics. If you're in the area, you might want to take a look!  

Also a Mickey Mouse hat. ;-)


  1. If you go back on a very overcast day it is slightly easier to get a clear picture in the Constitution Ave lobby (pretty much all of February, less crowds too since kids of have gone back to school.)
    Once the west wing of NMAH opens up expect to see a lot more textiles out - I got to go on a mini tour of the popular culture collection late last year and there are some really neat pieces that can't be displayed right now (exhibit space, programming limitations, etc.)

    1. Great tip! I was there at night for a film premiere, so it was probably worse than usual. :-)
