
Sunday, January 18, 2015

2014 Year in Review

Better late than never, right?

Here's what I said I wanted to do last year. How did I do?

1) I'm going to finish that Sleepy Hollow Windmill gown

No, BUT thanks to Gloria, I now have a pattern for the jacket. I just have to find time to make it. And this is going to be one of my next projects, high priority!

2) A 1790s gown for the Birthnight Ball

Yes! I did do this! And I used stash fabrics! A striped semi-sheer for the underdress and a dark red/blue striped silk taffeta I've had in the stash for ages - that I know Amanda and Leia have also used. I think we all got it via the same sale!



3) Maybe a new francaise if I have time, if not I'll rewear an old one to the Francaise dinner.

I didn't have time and rewore one, but that's ok - this gown only got one wearing at Costume Con and not for long. I did add new accessories and styling.


4) A regency ball gown out of the pale blue striped silk I got from Taylor for March


5) An orange drawstring (I DO WHAT I WANT!) gown out of the orange sari for March



6) The green anglaise worn by Mrs. Russell.

Nope, but high up on the list for 2015.

7) I want to make some 20s gowns.

I made one! Plans for another.


8) Maybe I'll make an Edwardian gown.

Nope, but I altered one that I bought from a friend - so half credit?


9) Some 18th century jackets

Yes! One complete, and 3 or so others cut out! Assembly line style (all slightly different pattern variations). I also made the petticoat and stomacher. Knits by Gloria.

Finish refitting some of my 18th century gowns, and generally improving my current wardrobe so it fits better.

I did a little of this but have gone back and forth at how much effort to put into this.

So.. I didn't do badly for 2014 plans!

What else did I make?

This black regency drawstring dress. It's simple but I love this sari fabric.


And I made this A League of Their Own uniform:

Now - what do I want to do next year.

1) Sleepy Hollow Windmill costume
2) Finish the jackets I cut out.
3) If I have time (big if on this one) - maybe like this one.

4) A new saque for the francaise dinner
5) A 20s dress
6) Mrs. Rusell's green dress
7) Clare's plaid dress from Outlander
8) A drawstring dress out of this sheer white with silver fabric I have.
9) Pelisse
10) silk 18th century mantle
11) An Elsa jacket:

And I'll leave it at that!

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