
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Outlander-inspired outfit

Like many these days, I am really enjoying the show Outlander.  The costumes are really pretty - and even though they're not period, the chunky knits are really cute.

Our holiday tea had an Outlander theme (1940s and 1740s) so I decided to make something Outlander inspired.  It's not a replica of any of the costumes - I didn't have a lot of time so I went with patterns I was familiar with and fabric from the stash. I was thinking wools and plaids.

I had some blue wool in the stash, and a brown plaid left-over from my faux Victorian coat and went from there.

I've used the JP Ryan jacket pattern a number of times so I went with that - even though it didn't have a waist seam. I think a waist seam is more appropriate for 1740s - this jacket is more 1760s. I do love this jacket pattern though - it's really straight-forward and easy to use.

For the stomacher, I wanted to do something embroidered with thistles. So I looked on etsy to see if I could find something good, and then I remembered that I had impulse bought these vintage embroidered sleeves (and sort of regretted it later) - but then I realized that one of them would be perfect for a rustic looking stomacher.  And it worked!

Here are pics of the costume on my dress form and on me - I'll have more coming from the actual tea.

A big thanks to my friend Gloria, who knits. She made an extra cowl which she gave me. And then she put up pretty brown wool mitts in her etsy store, which I snapped up.

Here are what a few of what Claire's outfits look like:

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