I was really happy Kat came down and stayed with me overnight to come to the mini costume gala which was awesome. I’m glad she was able to get away for a little bit.
Here she is taking a selfie with Willow!

I wore this little yellow jacket I never got the chance to wear more than once. And I had to take it in, which is great! I got this fabric, which is a pale yellow and cream stripe with a floral pattern, I got in Germany. It was just a meter of fabric, but I managed to get this jacket with ruffly peplum out of it. No extra fabric for trim, so I used lace. I meant to wear a different cream petticoat I had made to go with it but realized later I accidentally grabbed the petti from my cream francaise. It looks pretty simlilar, so that’s fine. I wore a brooch of my favorite Mrs. Russell, made for me by my friend Gen, a Dames A La Mode necklace, and antique earrings and bracelet.

Kat did 1830s. (The party was any-costume.)

Every time I successfully parallel park, I feel compelled to take a photo. (This, after the incident at a Greek festival where, to make a long story short, they outraged me by parking cars based on the gender of the driver because men are genetically better at parallel parking.)
