AwesomeCon was in late March this year. I decided to just do one day, and meet Gloria for Outlander costuming, and check out the Artist Alley since I had a couple of friends with tables there. We decided not to bring Elena since it was the tail end of flu season, which wasn’t great this year.
The most surreal part was this - we apparently passed right by the actor who plays Finn in Star Wars - but didn’t realize til right after he went past, because he had a hoard of people following him, apparently at least one of them live casting on his Instagram, which we were on.
We also met up briefly with Janine and Ron - Jyn Erso and gender bent Rey:
I saw this lovely Padme Lake dress:
This costume was awesome. The Swedish Chef (Viking style)
Bob Ross:
The littlest Ewok:
We had a small Outlander meet-up and Mike took some great pics!
These are credit
In the Long Run Designs: