At first I wasn’t sure what I had that would work, costume-wise, especially for a hot summer day. Though a bustle gown is on my someday list, my sewing time/mojo these days is at an ebb. Edwardian was on the table and I thought maybe my Jump dress, but the beading on that is so heavy that it had stretched out the fabric and I couldn’t walk in it. (I did ended up fixing it later on by moving up some of the beading but I didn’t have time for that.) Then I remembered! I had bought a Fan Plus Friend Boarding Suit, because the price (I think I even got it on sale) was so good I couldn’t pass it up.
All it needed was a shirt and tie, and I figured I could do without the giant hat.
Since it was going to be a million degrees, I wore a t-shirt under it, no corset, and I made a dickey out of an old thrift store men’s shirt I had originally used for my Harry Potter costume. It was really big on me anyway, so I didn’t mind sacrificing it. I didn’t have an accurate tie, so my husband gave me his darkest one, which turned out to have dinosaurs on it, but those were a nice hidden Easter egg that didn’t show. I had screen accurate earrings and a tie pin and I wore American Duchess shoes and wore my Titanic comb, and used my replica bag and I was good to go!
Since then I did find a dickey that is perfect and close to screen accurate so I will look even better next time!
I also bought this tie:
Kat kindly gave me use of her giant hat! And I used my little ebay Victorian-ish umbrella for the first time.

I also did use my “Miss Fisher-esque” sunglasses that Judy found at (I think) Forever 21.


The decorations were so fab!

Kat had beautifully puffy sleeves:

I think this is Kat’s photo? Mike’s? I lost the photo credit on it somewhere. Let me know if it’s yours.

Same with these:

I love these American Duchess shoes!

Better shot of tie pin and earrings.

With the hat:

Group pic with the Fabulosity Club flag!

Full group pic:

And croquet!

Then this happened:

This little girl came running over to fan Kat!